Wednesday, June 10, 2015


So this blog is a quick way to give our family and friends some insight on our new and much different life in mn. There will be typos, misspelled words, and the garunteed grammatical error so bear with me. I'll probably update this from my phone ( like I am currently and the font is probably size 2 )
Here it goes. The story dates back to fall 2014. My grandma mentioned grandpa and dad needed help on the farm.  Which is not a new or unknown truth. There's a lot of work going on up there.  I casually mention it to Brody, he hardly pays attention to my desire to move back home. A few days later he asks about it, I mention it to my mom. And boom 9 months later we have a set move date. There's more to the story but long story short we put our Olathe home on the market, a dozen showings in 10 days and it sold along with some of the beautiful furniture in it. I will miss the grandness of the home but not the cleaning! During all this I'm sure most of you realize I am pregnant and eventually have baby Tory in April 10, 2015 just as all this is getting squared away. Bye torunis amazing, so in love it's unreal.  I applied  and interviewed for a few jobs in mn and landed a part time gig in a rural er in litchfield, mn- the same town our church is in. 35 miles to the hospital from the farm...wait for it: no traffic! It only takes 35 minutes to get there at any time during the day!! I will miss children's mercy and Olathe med but I will not I repeat will not miss the traffic of kc. 
So here's an overview of the farm---
This is the farm I grew up on. It has been in my dads family over 100 years! We farm corn, soybeans, alfalfa for feed, beef cattle and some pigs. There are some chickens, Bulls, boars, one lazy horse, random cats- currently 'puddin' is the friendly cat, and Baxter my moms overly friendly extra tall puppy. 
My grandpa (my dads dad) is Rollie. Grandma Edna goes with him. They live about 60 miles north of us but Gpa still comes to the farm almost daily to work. My parents whom most of you have met are Judson and Karen. My brother currently lives between Haiti and many other destinations and I imagine be will be frequenting the farm more often since we sold our house in Kc and he spent lots of his stateside time with us. 
As far as Brody goes lots of ppl have asked where's he's going to work! Ha is the answer I get often when I say for my dad. He's going to be a farmer. City boy brod is taking on the country life. He's excited. He wants some wranglers and red wings to fit in. He won't be wearing overalls or cowboy boots. That's just not the mn farmer look. 
There are two houses on the 'home place' as we call it. I realize I'll use some farm/northern jargon on here you may not understand. So I'll try to explain. My parents live in 'the big house' it's where I spend my sophomore in hs to move out years. The other house aka the little house is where I grew up. It's next door- a few hundred feet down the driveway hidden in some trees. It's not so little in fact it's really really nice. My parents have nearly gutted it for us. A total kitchen redo is gorgeous- I got the white cabinets I have been looking for in a house since our first home! And technically they are ballet white more cream than white. A brand new bathroom with a tub upstairs for Tory! Some new furniture, carpet and paint and the house looks amazing. And I'll be able to clean it in one day! 
As for brusco he is just not sure about what the heck is going on. Me prego, house on the market, a new baby, multiple road trips all over the country, moving back into the inlaws basement, he has more grey hair everyday. He's still loved and spoiled and will love the freedom and smells of he farm. 
And give it up for Tory she travels like a superstar. Best baby ever. And she gets the award for being awesome at full tummy projectile vomit :) she's special beyond words. Can't imagine life without her! 
More to come later I'm sure I've left something out. 

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